The IGCSE grading system measures and evaluates student performance in the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) program. The IGCSE grading system uses paper grades A* to G; A* is the highest and G is the lowest. Additionally, students who fail to meet the minimum standard of a G grade will receive a U grade (no credit).

All IGCSE courses are assessed through internal and external assessments such as learning, examinations, and written tests. External exams are set and scored by the Cambridge Institute of International Education (CAIE), responsible for the IGCSE program.

The IGCSE grading system is designed to provide a reliable and consistent measure of student achievement across subjects and countries. It enables students, parents, and schools to understand and compare the performance of IGCSE students worldwide. Universities and employers worldwide widely accept The IGCSE grading system as an accurate indicator of students’ ability and potential.


Understanding the IGCSE Grading System


A (A Star): * Good performance represents the highest level of achievement.

C: Excellent performance, demonstrating good understanding and knowledge.

B: Good performance indicating good understanding of the content.

C: Satisfied with performance, meets minimum requirements

D: Less work, easy to understand, but has significant room for improvement.

E: Poor performance and little understanding of the content.

F: Failed, indicating that minimum requirements have not been met.

G: Ungraded means the student’s work does not meet the minimum standards for a passing grade.

It is worth noting that the grade will vary slightly depending on the student’s performance. As exam papers vary, students and teachers should refer to the specific instructions provided by the IGCSE exam board.

To receive the IGCSE certificate, students usually need to pass certain subjects with a grade of C or above. Some schools and employers may also consider higher grades, such as A or B, to meet certain academic or professional requirements.


How IGCSE grades are calculated

IGCSE grades are determined by several different factors. These factors include the average number of students in the class, the difficulty of the exam, etc. is located. Each course has more than one exam.


Tips to get top marks in IGCSE

Here are some tips to get top grades in IGCSE.

Start studying early and stick to the same study plan.

Take notes in class and review them regularly.

Take past tests to get an idea of ​​the test format and questions.

Use study aids such as flashcards and mind maps to aid memory.

Ensure proper development and stay on top of deadlines and important tasks.

Don’t just gather information, gain a deep understanding of important concepts.

Go to school or give extra help to teachers when needed.

Do not do or film anything the night before the exam.

Make sure you follow a healthy diet by getting enough sleep, participating in physical activity, and eating healthy foods.

Stay calm and focus on your long-term goals.


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